Monday, February 1, 2010

From rats to lizards...(posting from the road)

(sorry not many photos for here...technical glitch...most were lost...)

So I have made it to Cambodia! It was an early start with a long drive that had 2 vehicle switches and a sketchy border crossing but we made it. It's bizarre how we are not that far, geographically speaking from Thailand but it is a while other world. Cambodia is a realatively young country - in age anyway. I would have to double check the exact numbers but as I recall there is a staggering percent of the population under the age of 45 (something like 80%). Virtually the entire older generation was killed off during the reign of the Khmer Rouge. Although the official end was apparetly in 1979, Cambodians still tell horror stories of war into the early 1990s. Povertry seems to be rampant along with a positive outlook. I am 100% serious - these people have are living 10 people to a shack and are happy to wave and smile at tourists. Their resiliance is amazing.

Our first night was a little introduction to the town of Siem Reap, the entry point for the number one tourist attaction in Cambodia, Ankor Wat. Cute town - I was worried it was going to be similar to that awful Agues Calientes in Peru. The food is great but there are pushy souvenier vendors everywhere. The heat is no better than Bangkok. Our guide around town this night was Dino. As I mentioned before Dino is flamboyantly gay and needless to say, quite a character- he actually has an intersting story (see below). Anyway, I am afraid my tour of the town, at the hands of Dino was a bit more of a 'social' tour just peppered with bits of history. I now know where to buy great bootleg DVD copies and Angelina Jolie's favourite bar to drink in but I couldn't tell you much more then that.

I am on a 'basic' tour with Intrepid travel. This is their most down and dirty tour, grass routes, no far not too bad. The hotel is not dirty...more like permanently stained. On the plus rats but lots of geckos. They are everywhere, there were13 in the lobby when we checked in. I am not too worried as they are looking for somewhere cool to rest and that is certianly not me.
Just a short little note to let you know that I arrived. I am very impressed with Cambodia so to a cool shower for me and no doubt a dozen geckos.

A-gun for reading!

Dino's story:

When Dino was 11, his mother was badly injured in a landmine explosion near their village. With no adqueate medical care available she was transferred to Thailand. After 2 years of treatment she returned home, now fluent in Thai. Recognizing the importance of languages, she taught her kids Thai. This led to Dino getting a job cleaning homes in Siem Reap. It was here that he was taught English by the master of the house. These lessons included striking him when he mispronouced a word. Despite the method, it worked and opened up a whole world that Dino, by his own admission, admits he would of never had access to. He was reluctant to take this job as a tour guide as he has no high school education, something he is very embarrassed about. So far he seems to be doing splendid, and although it is his third language, his english is exceptional.


  1. Ok.. that picture of Dino - was it taken in the little multi-vendor cafe on the far side of Ankor Wat? They have chickens running around?
    I LOVED Cambodia.. the people are truly amazing. Enjoy the Dead Fish Tower!! Feed the crocodiles! "We no serve rat, cat, dog or worm" :)

  2. Good God girl go easy on the lasix. IT's the heat that's doing it you need to drink more water. Iknow that sounds crazy but you do. This is the first trip you have taken that I am now feelign very sorry for you. I can just imagine the river of sweat that are pouring down your face and back. I am sorry for the cocks, and all the animals Have fun scuba diving its the best sport in all the world and I love nothing better than to be under the sea. We miss you keep safe. Stay away from rats. Play with tigers and geckos instead.
