So in comparison, the rest of the trip was unremarkable...met a lovely couple, the Flannigans, at LAX and enjoyed my first class upgrades - particulairly on the LAX - GUA leg which is where every airline dumps their chicken-bus equivilant plane on the route...but enought rye/whisky and all is forgotten.
Carrie and Tom, a few friends from Seattle, were in Guatemala already and had pre-booked a
horseback riding adventure. Excited to get back in the saddle (no pun intended but it was a good one - hahaha) I was eager to give it a go. The description of the ride from their website... "This ride takes you on footpaths and trails on the slope of the Ague volcano. Enjoy spectacular views while riding on calm and fit horses with English or western style saddles. Admire mountain pine forest, little farms and fields and isolated indigenous settlements."
And I was being generous. My horse Ada wanted to nothing but trot at an uncomfortable pace. Tom's horse was content to not move rather stop and eat. I have not idea what was wrong with Carrie's horse in particular but all I could heard for 2 straight hours was "no, no, no, no". Our guide Vincent alternated his time between talking on his cell phone and texting. The blowing dust was so bad that I spent much of my time with my eyes closed, I
would sneak a peak every few mintues to ensure that Ada hadn't run too far off course and that the vista of volcano and trash hadn't changed too much.
The part were we entered the "indigenous settlements" was my favourite. We pranced through this suburb, perched high above the locals who seemed to have flocked to the main concrete strip to see what gullible tourists the clip/clop noise brought today. The only redemming part of this section was that the horses were no longer trying to stay upright on loose rocks, now they just had to contend with tuk-tuks and feral dogs.
I shouldn't complain too much...I didn't even come close to death and at the end of the old friend Gallo beer and I were reacquainted...of how I missed you Gallo.
Thank goodness you are on the road again...I have been eagerly awaiting new posts...keep them coming! My next trip is planned for South Africa...maybe you could come as my travel writer. My 12 year old daughter has developed an expectation that vacations should take you half way across the world.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, just wanted to say that your posts always make me smile and that I'm looking forward to reading more of them. Take care, have fun and be safe!
ReplyDeletethank you for the best laugh I have had in a long time. Tears were rolling down my face and I had to do the pee pee dance to the loo. You must have felt right at home drunks and garbage all you needed was a resident attempting an IV for the first time and HMC you would have had. I am not sure about the horses but I am postive we have some jack asses here that would do as well. Have fun and keep on writing. love sharon
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy that you are on the move again.
You should be an expert on horses!!
I don't know, I feel a bit uneasy about you being back in Guatemala without me! Who is going to give you left over doughnut so the muggers won't steal your monies and identity? Who is going to demand first aid supplies from random strangers when you're hurt??? Who's going to pass out on you and steal the attention when you're going through hard times??? Wait, forget the last one. Who am I kidding myself, you never forget. Reminds me of someone I know... oh yeah, me!
ReplyDeleteWell, keep me posted! Can't wait to hear about your adventures.
Amy Leah
ReplyDeleteI hope the heat and humidity haven’t drained you of your energy. Are the children enjoying the little rubber balls and bracelets?
I would imagine you are probably lounging in your deluxe suite having some svelte gentleman named Edwardo peel your oranges and fetch you tea.
Enjoy Guillermo