Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I hope dog fighting is more humane (posting from the road)

So things are marginally better now. My passport and I have been reunited. Toe is still a funny red colour. I have discovered and account that Bank of f***ing America has forgot to freeze. Still hot, no break there.

We eventually found our driver and spent the rest of the day touring the sights of Ayutthaya. Very nice - thanks Michael Eaton! I only had one faux pas with the monks. I came around a corner in one of the less visited temples and was face to face with 4 monks. I slowly backed away as if I were in some danger. One of the monks spoke some English, and told me that it was okay, keep coming. I noticed at this point they were posing with each other for photos. I offered to take one of them all together with their camera. Taking great care to not touch them, I retrived the camera and snapped a few pictures...the problem came when I went to give it back. I was trying to turn it off or something...anyway I ended up taking a series of rapid fire photos of Christoper, the sky, the ground and I couldn't get it to stop. Of course the monk couldn't help because if he came near me, we may accidentally touch. Finally common sense kicked in, I set the camera down and backed away. I did note the looks on the faces of the monks before I fled - they clearly said "ísn't that the girl who almost vomitted in the temple?"

One of the things that I like to do when I travel is take in a local sporting event. After tonight I think I may have to change that rule. We attended a muay thai boxing event. I wonder if this is what dog fighting is like? Except this is with boys, and I do mean boys. I sat, surrounded by a sea of white faces (the only Thai faces in there belonged to the prostiutes with the creepy old men) and watched as kids wailed on each other. The four bouts I saw - 3 ended because medical attention was needed - 2 complete knock outs and a fractures humerous (upper arm bone). The first knock out came after a head butt and this poor little boy, staggered back and collapsed. They held his hand up briefly but it just fell like a rock to the mat when realeased. No worries, they just rolled him onto a military scoop style strecher and carried him out. There was one (At the very least it looked like he needed a Harborview handshake - little reference for my HMC friends!) white guy fighting as well - he looked absurdly huge next to the Thai boys. Anyway enough about that, it was barbaric to say the least.

Going to take small overdose on Benedryl to night to ensure sleep happens, despite the sweltering heat.

Kap-koon-ka for reading.


  1. So glad to hear that things have improved, albeit marginally! I don't envy you the heat, but you make even the crappy parts sound fun.

    see you soon... be safe, keep writing.

  2. Glad you found your passport!!!

  3. How's the toe? Maybe you can cut it off and sell it.


  4. Glad you got your passport and tour-guide back.
    Don't worry about the monks, you probably gave them some brief entertainment.
    That boxing sounds horrid. Why all the white men there? That's disgusting. Men are pigs.

    But I'm enjoying your e-mails! Maybe you should invest in some gloves to wear anytime you're around animals. And steel-toe boots.

  5. Great to hear from you Amy-Leah! Sounds like a great vacation!Surprised but happy that we are still on your list after so many years.

    All the best

    Tom and Mary

  6. AMYleah!

    Come back to us safely! You're hilarious! Ed and I have been extremely entertained reading your blogs at work!

    When are you back? I forwarded your blog address to Jen my bestfriend, she loves the big cats! Can't believe you played with tigers and rode elephants! It's like a dream vacation. This one sounds like one of the most eventful trips yet, no?

    Anyhoo! Be safe, don't volunteer to make one of those "sex dvds"...;P
    See you when you get back!

  7. Alright adventure-girl. Cankles may be a nice look for you.
