We arrived in the early afternoon in Quito only to be quickly whisked away to the Bellavista Cloud Forest Lodge about 2 hours outside of the city. Our elevation of 9,000 feet brings more than just stunning views; it brings clouds - specifically damp, bone chilling clouds that blanket the rain forest in a constant mist. Our room is in the bamboo house, which is really like a giant tree house for adults. Awesome yes – but things made entirely of bamboo seem to let a lot of the elements in.
There is actually a worldwide competition annually to see who can count the most species of birds in a single day
Nights are spent trying to stay warm under a giant pile of wool blankets while the damp chill tries to freeze me slowly to death. But if you can put up with the cold, or own a good set of thermal underwear and you like birds – this is the place to be.
Your posts are so enjoyable to read! Once again, I know you have a book or two or three just waiting to be published. . .
ReplyDeleteThe list of places you've been is quite amazing and strengthens my resolve to get outside the borders of the USA sooner rather than later. In the meantime you can find me holding down the fort in ED OBS. . .be sure to swing through for some crackers and cheese next time you pop in at Harborview. . .
do your best to stay warm,
I like the green one. Wow! I could be a birder too!
ReplyDeleteMiss you...